"Teaching Virtues adds to the understanding
of the connections
between the teaching of virtues and the
practice of moral
reciprocity within community.......the wisdom
to the authors'
specific recommendations for reforming the
is much needed at this time."--C.A.
Bowers, Professor Education,
Portland State University
"I read this book,Teaching Virtues. with much
interest, for the topics addressed are
of great importance for educational practice
and hence, for
the larger society.........Teaching Virtues
is a stimulating and
thoughtful contribution." --Noam
Chomsky, Professor, M.I.T.
"This book offers a new but ancient perspective
on teaching virtues.
Like the American Indian people who practiced
it for thousands of
years, it does not allow us to separate
character from content, and
by this, makes it possible for us all
to 'walk the talk.' "
--Sunita Gandhi,
President-Worker, The Council for Global
Education and Dignity
"brilliantly written, utterly practical"
--Thom Hartmann, ADD A Different Perception
fearless and practical, this book offers educators (and
anyone else with an interest in our future) a way to create a better
world—before it is too late!”
— Thom Hartmann
“ This enlightening book reminds us that the grim prognosis for life
on this planet is the consequence of a few centuries of forgetting whattraditional societies knew, and the surviving ones still recognize.”
— Noam Chomsky
“ . . .Educators should be paying attention to what Four Arrows offers
in this book.”
— Bill McKibben
“ . . .A singularly provocative book. . .that will help us become humanbeings present and in balance with Mother Earth.”
— Rebecca Adamson
“ This is a necessary book, a part of the revolution we so desperatelyneed.”
— Derrick Jensen
For the first time in educational publishing, Teaching Truly offers K–16 teachers course-specific guidelines for indigenizing mainstream education. The goal is to facilitate greater educational integrity and relevance in the classroom now, without waiting for more “ reforms” to policy, standards or curricula in general.
Incorporating reality-based teaching common in traditional Indigenous learning cultures, each chapter first exposes educational hegemony, including that existing within the new “common core standards,” and then offers alternative, time-tested perspectives and exercises to counter and/or counter-balance such hegemony.
Addressing eight common subject areas, the material can be adapted for different grade levels and can be applied to other mainstream courses.